Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Book that I am reading Currently (Where is My Ketchup)

The protagonist is an individual who is in a senior Administrative Position in the corporate world. He is currently facing a problem at work, which is to identify an effective Service Provider for one of the office services required for smooth functioning of the office. Every time he selects a Service Provider who promises a lot, unfortunately the person fails to live up to expectation. He is at a loss and is about to select a high profile, glamorous Service Provider, when something not seeming quite right holds him back. That evening, he has a dinner function at home where a few close friends are invited. The talk moves around to work life, quality of service being provided, and how difficult it is to select a Service Provider in spite of various options available. One by one, the friends present start speaking in detail about their experiences with Service Providers in their own lives, be it a Hotel, an Airline, a Mall, a Bank, etc. The incidents these friends have faced are narrated in a story form, not breaking the flow of the book, and are both bringing out Positive as well as Negative experiences with the various Service Providers. The narration and the stories and experiences form the bulk and the core part of the book, are highly entertaining and educative, put in humorous catchy language, are all examples never penned down before, and have very strong learnings attached to them in the form of DO’s and DONT’s which are applicable and transferable as learning from ALL service industries, whether INSURANCE, RETAIL, HOTEL, TRAVEL, SALONS, BOUTIQUES, etc. After the dinner party, our protagonist goes back to the work the next day, thinks over all the experiences his friends shared and from them formulates the lesson and points to be kept in mind for selecting a service provider.

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